Hi there! I'm Carrie, a junior studying computer science and business at Western University and Ivey Business School in London, Ontario.
My parents say that I learned to type before I could even properly write with a pencil. Five years ago, I first learned how to code in Java. Four years ago, I coded my first website for Bayview Women in STEM, a club I founded and dedicated to empowering females in high-school to pursue an education and career in STEM using Vue.js.
Now, I am as passionate as ever in learning new technologies. Currently, I am expanding my knowledge on the ever-changing industry of tech. I'm always looking for opportunities to that modernize, enhance, and revolutionize the market.
- Java
- Python
- CSS/Sass
- Javascript
- Vue.js
- Node.js
- React
- Wordpress
- Bootstrap
- Tailwind
- Bash
- Git & Github
- Chrome DevTools
- Postman
- MongoDB
- Figma
- Procreate
- Adobe Illustrator
- Prototyping
- User Testing
My Portfolio
- All
- Web
- Mobile
- Testing
Tapping from 6 Feet Apart: The Evolution and Rise of the Mobile Wallet Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
While some have been living this lifestyle with advanced technology prior to the pandemic, others have been struggling to adapt to the increased digitality of our world.
Better Have My Money: Big Tech and Bitcoin
Several startups now deliver decentralized networks inspired by cryptocurrency, storing online content and hosting websites without any central authority.
Ethereum Arbitrage in Camouflage: A Literature Survey on Generalized Front-Running in Decentralized Finance
Blockchain data is designed to be resistant to manipulation and to serve as a secure transaction record. But with increased transparency and usage among the general public comes increased risk of exploitation.